「自然。自城」生態攝影比賽 Urban Jungle Photo Competition

發展,就必然要犧牲自然環境嗎?保育,是否就要放棄建設?六月至九月期間,香港大學學生會理學會環境生命科學學會將會在香港大學科學外展隊的協助下,舉辦 「自然。自城」生態攝影比賽,旨在探討我們身處的城市和周遭自然環境的關係,並於過程中發掘香港「遠在郊外,近在市區」的生物多樣性。主辦單位亦希望藉此 比賽,引起大眾對香港生態保育和相關發展計劃的關注,保護香港的綠土。


1. 鼓勵市民欣賞香港的自然生態
2. 提高市民的生態保育意識

1. 城市中的生態——參賽照片必須在香港市區拍攝,並且顯示野生生物如何適應城市生活。
2. 郊外的生態——參賽照片必須在香港郊外拍攝,並且內容是關於那裡的生物。
3. 城市與自然的關係——參賽照片的拍攝地點不限,唯內容必須反映香港關於生態保育的議題或時事。

1. 中學組
2. 大專組
3. 公開組

1. 最受歡迎獎
2. 最佳相片獎(每組別中的每個主題)

1. 最受歡迎獎:價值$200的書券
2. 最佳相片獎:

* 每位得獎者均可另外獲得10張用自己的作品製成的明信片
* 最優秀的30張作品(包括以上得獎作品)亦會被選出作巡迴展覽,其參賽者可獲得Reecho 8折購物優惠券和$150現金券各一張。
* 首100位參賽者更可獲得Reecho九折購物卡和小禮品!

1. 最受歡迎獎:由在比賽的Facebook Page上獲得最多“Like”的參賽者勝出
2. 其他獎項:由評審選出

1. 侯智恆博士(香港大學助理教授及生態學者)
2. 蘇毅雄先生(生態協會總監及自然生態攝影導師)
3. 黃志俊先生(香港自然生態論壇發言人)

– 相片內容:40%
– 相片描述:30%
– 拍攝技巧:30%

1. 作品須以JPEG檔(包含EXIF)提交。
2. 相片解像度需為八百萬像或以上。

1. 每名參賽者可就每個主題提交最多1張作品。
2. 遞交作品時,請用MS Word檔案提供以下關於相片的資料:相片標題、EXIF(相機型號、鏡頭【如適用】、快門速度和光圈)、拍攝地點、參賽主題和一段文字說明(中文:不多於100字;英文:不多於150字)。
3. 主辦單位鼓勵參賽者辨認相片中的物種。
4. 請以附件形式遞交相片和相片資料,並附上參賽者姓名、聯絡電話及參賽組別,電郵 ecosperald.elss@gmail.com。請於電郵主旨上註明“ELSS「自然。自城」生態攝影比賽 2013 – (參賽者姓名)”。


1. 參加者必須遵守《香港郊野公園條例》和《野生動物保護條例》。
2. 參加者不得破壞或干擾自然環境及野生生物。
3. 作品內不可以含有任何不雅或暴力成份。
4. 參加作品須為原創作品,參加者須擁有相片作品之版權及承擔版權條例之全部責任。
5. 參賽者不得於提交作品前銷售、發表(包括網上發表)參賽相片、或曾以參賽作品參與其他攝影比賽。
6. 相片剪裁、調整對比度與亮度、校正色彩為可接受。唯任何在此列以外之人工修飾皆一律不為接納。主辦單位及評審團有權取消被過份修飾、進而影響其真實性的作品之參賽資格
7. 參賽作品上任何位置均不得顯示任何簽名、圖章或識別記號
8. 主辦單位有權於任何活動使用、修改、展示、刊出及發佈參加作品,而毋須另行徵得參賽者同意及向參賽者繳交任何費用。
9. 所有籌委會成員及評審團成員均不得參與是次比賽。
10. 參賽者資料將絕對保密,個人資料只會用作確認參賽者身分、聯絡及其他有關公佈。
11. 主辦單位保留所有活動細則的更改權、最終解釋權及最終決定權。




《DiGi 數碼雙周》雜誌

Is it a must to develop at the expense of nature? Is it a must to carry out conservation at the sacrifice of development? To provoke thinking about the interrelationship between our city and the surrounding natural environment, Environmental Life Science Society, SS, HKUSU is going to hold the “Urban Jungle Photo Competition” in June to September, which is co-organized by HKU Science Outreach Team. The photo competition also aims to encourage people to discover the high biodiversity in both urban and rural areas, as well as to raise concern about conservation and development policies in Hong Kong.

1. To encourage to appreciate the beauty of nature
2. To raise awareness of conservation

Urban Jungle:
1. Wildlife in the city – The photo must be taken in urban area of Hong Kong, showing wildlife that has adapted to living in the local city with human.
2. Wildlife in the countryside – The photo must be taken in rural area of Hong Kong, showing wildlife that dwell in the local countryside.
3. Relationship between the city and nature – The photo can be taken anywhere in Hong Kong, but should reflect conservation issues or current affairs regarding the environment.

1. Secondary students
2. Tertiary students
3. Public

1. Most Popular Photo
2. Best Photo (per group per theme)

1. Most Popular Photo: A $200 book voucher
2. Best Photo:
Secondary students: A $200 book voucher (per winner)
Tertiary students: A $800 coupon for workshops held by Eco Institute (per winner)
Public: One-year free subscription of “DiGi數碼雙周” magazine (per winner)

* Each winner can also get 10 postcards with his/her own photo.
* The best 30 photos (including the above winning photos) will be selected for a roving exhibition. Each of those participants can get a coupon with 20% discount and a $150 cash coupon of Reecho shops.
* The first 100 participants can get free shopping cards with 10% discount and gifts provided by Reecho.

Judging method:
1. Most Popular Photo: with the most likes on Facebook Page of the competiton (All eligible photos will be uploaded onto the Facebook page.)
2. Others: selected by judges

1. Dr. Billy Hau (Assistant Professor of Ecology & Biodiversity, the University of Hong Kong, Ecologist)
2. Samson So (Executive Director of Eco Institute, Nature Photographer Instructor)
3. Dickson Wong (Spokesperson of HKWildlife.net)

Judging criteria:
Entries will be assessed by judges according to the following judging criteria:
– Photo content: 40%
– Photo caption: 30%
– Photographic techniques: 30%

Photo Format:
1. Photos should be in JPEG format(including EXIF).
2. Resolution of photos should be at least 8-megapixels.

Submission of entries:
1. Each participant can send in 1 photo at most per theme.
2. Each photo should be accompanied by a title, EXIF (camera model, lens [if applicable], shutter speed and aperture), the shooting location, theme it belongs to and a descriptive paragraph with no more than 100 words in Chinese or no more than 150 words in English. All the above information should be provided in a MS Word document.
3. Identification of species shown in submitted photos is encouraged.
4. Email your entries as attachments to ecospherald.elss@gmail.com, with your name, contact number and category you belong to. Please attach your photos and information of the photos to the email, and use “ELSS Urban Jungle Photo Competition 2013 – (Participant’s Name)” as the email title.

Submission deadline:
15 August, 2013

Rules & Regulations:
1. Participants must abide by the Country Parks Ordinance and the Wildlife Protection Ordinance.
2. Participants must not destroy the environment or disturb wildlife.
3. Entries must not contain any contents of violence or obscenity.
4. Photos must be of participant’s original work, in which participants must have the copyright ownership of the photos and take on full responsibility under the Copyright Ordinance.
5. Prior to submission, the submitted photos must not be used for sale, publication (including online publication)or involved in any other competitions.
6. Cropping, contrast and brightness adjustments and color correction are acceptable. Any changes to the original photos not itemized here are unacceptable and will render the photos ineligible for a prize. The organizer and the judges reserve the right to exclude any image they believe may have been excessively treated so as to alter its authenticity.
7. No signature, stamp or any other identifying mark is allowed anywhere on submitted photos.
8. The organizer will be given full liability to use the photos submitted from this competition in any activities, where photos may be used, edited, published, exhibited and circulated without the need for further consent from or compensation to participants.
9. Members of the organizing committee and the judges will not be allowed to take part in this competition.
10. Participants’ personal information will be kept confidential and will only be used for identity confirmation, contact and related announcements.
11. The organizer holds the power to make modification of the rules, interpretation of the rules and final decision-makings of this competition.

Prize-giving Ceremony:
Date: September 2013
Venue: Sun Yat-sen Place in the University of Hong Kong

30 best photos will be selected for a roving exhibition. The exhibition can provide an opportunity for the public to appreciate nature and be aware of the high biodiversity in Hong Kong. It can also raise the awareness of conservation by discussing some related current issues.
Date: September to October 2013

Should you have any enquiry, please email to ecospherald.elss@gmail.com.

Organizer: Environmental Life Science Society, SS, HKUSU
Co-organizer: HKU Science Outreach Team
《DiGi 數碼雙周》magazine
Eco Institute