Monthly Archives: September 2013
教育局課程發展處 德育、公民及國民教育組 我們生活在香港,對一些環保熱話,包括全球暖化、碳排放、可持續發展等,都不會感到陌生。近年來,氣候的異常變化對地球的破壞逐漸顯現,人類日常生活中所排放的二氧化碳大大超出了地球的負荷能力。二氧化碳是溫室氣體的一種,過多的溫室氣體會加劇溫室效應,導致全球暖化。根據環保署的數據顯示,香港的人均排放量比全球的人均排放量高出不少。因此,我們必須對現時的生活習慣作出檢討,減少不必要的碳排放量。
The Chinese white dolphin is a symbol of Hong Kong’s neglect for the environment. Over the years, habitat degradation from coastal development, vessel disturbance from high speed ferries, and water pollution from dredging and dumping activities in western waters have contributed to a significant decline in their numbers.
廣東,2013 年 8 月 27 日:國際環保組織綠色和平與大氣污染模型專家安德魯•格雷博士領銜團隊聯合發布的《粵港地區燃煤電廠造成的健康損失研究》指出,在 2011 年,廣東、香港地區的煤電廠造成了當地近 3600 例早死,4000 例兒童哮喘。其中,廣州、深圳、佛山的居民爲煤電廠付出的健康代價最高,超過當中的三成。而廣東省未來新建的煤電廠,將會在未來 40 年帶來約 16,000 例早死。
To facilitate second-hand books transaction in campus and to reduce expenses of students on buying textbooks, and provide alternate ways for students to seek suitable textbooks, A second-hand textbook trading platform will be launched soon in order to provide alternate ways for students to seek suitable textbooks. The platform is […]
Do you know… Hong Kong is the centre of shark fin trade and consumption? Do you know… The unsustainable consumption of shark fins is leading to a drastic depletion of shark populations, thus damaging the balance of the whole marine ecosystem? Do you know… You can help make a difference?