Yearly Archives: 2013
廣東,2013 年 8 月 27 日:國際環保組織綠色和平與大氣污染模型專家安德魯•格雷博士領銜團隊聯合發布的《粵港地區燃煤電廠造成的健康損失研究》指出,在 2011 年,廣東、香港地區的煤電廠造成了當地近 3600 例早死,4000 例兒童哮喘。其中,廣州、深圳、佛山的居民爲煤電廠付出的健康代價最高,超過當中的三成。而廣東省未來新建的煤電廠,將會在未來 40 年帶來約 16,000 例早死。
To facilitate second-hand books transaction in campus and to reduce expenses of students on buying textbooks, and provide alternate ways for students to seek suitable textbooks, A second-hand textbook trading platform will be launched soon in order to provide alternate ways for students to seek suitable textbooks. The platform is […]
Do you know… Hong Kong is the centre of shark fin trade and consumption? Do you know… The unsustainable consumption of shark fins is leading to a drastic depletion of shark populations, thus damaging the balance of the whole marine ecosystem? Do you know… You can help make a difference?
1. Programme Objectives Marine Conservation Leadership Training Programme is a volunteer programme aims to train up local University students to become Marine Conservation Leaders. Through various marine and footprint related training workshops, voluntary services on different conservation and education works in WWF-Hong Kong, it is expected the trained leaders’ marine […]
信報 建築思話 by陳紹璋 政 府上月向立法會申請撥款擴建三個堆填區,一如所料,受到當區居民強烈反對,最後政府只好收回擴建將軍澳堆填區建議。箇中原因,非如葉劉淑儀所言是環境局局 長「政治能量」不足,而是以堆填方式處理垃圾,真的要付出很大的環境衞生代價,因此無論是建制派或泛民議員,都不敢忽視當區居民的訴求。