Yearly Archives: 2015
不論你是戶外活動愛好者,還是想一嚐野外活動樂趣的都市人,透過香港野外活動倫理網頁,你可以找到一些有用的資訊,理解在進行這些活動時,能如何更善待大自然和其他同路人。 Are you a regular visitor to the countryside in love with outdoor activities, or a city-dweller who just want to enjoy the rural fresh air occasionally? What are the appropriate ways or decorum to behave in the environment and in the company of other visitors? From the Hong Kong Outdoor […]
由環境保護運動委員會基金支持下,生態巴士將於2015年9月至2016年8月期間,於觀塘區舉辦「袋袋相傳」運動。 With the support of Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF), ecobus shall organize the project called “Education cum community resources re-allocation scheme for community sharing of shopping bags” in Kwun Tong district from September 2015 to August 2016.
「無痕山林」 (Leave No Trace, 概念始源於美國, 其目的為研究人類在進行各種戶外活動時, 如何能盡量減低對自然環境的衝擊以及對自然生物及其他戶外使用者的影響, 並現已推廣至全球多個地方。
《山野無痕-香港野外活動倫理》新書發佈會於2015年10月10日完滿結束! 感謝當天出席的所有嘉賓及朋友,和我們一同見證新書的誕生! 得到新書的你們不要忘記和朋友分享書中內容和理念噢! 《山野無痕-香港野外活動倫理》將於各大連鎖及獨立書店有售。 緊接其後的本年度第三場「無痕山林」戶外倫理教育工作坊亦多得各位投入參與,順利完成!
“Greengoer” is one of the programmes under “Student Environmental Protection Leader Training Scheme (SEPLS) 2015/16”. With the initiative and support from Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC), ecobus organizes this 10-month environmental leadership training scheme which is dedicated to tertiary students. (Details: Greengoer為「學生環境領袖訓練計劃2015/16」的其中一個項目,由環境運動委員會發起及支持,ecobus生態巴士策劃及主辦。 (詳情:
“Greengoer” is one of the programmes under “Student Environmental Protection Leader Training Scheme (SEPLS) 2015/16”. With the initiative and support from Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC), ecobus organizes this 10-month environmental leadership training scheme which is dedicated to tertiary students. Greengoer aims to foster global citizenship among tertiary students and to […]
Bag-2-Bag 袋袋相傳是一個由環境運動委員會發起及ecobus 生態巴士執行為期三個月的「環保袋社區共享先導計劃」。 Bag-2-Bag 袋袋相傳 is a pilot scheme on community shopping bags sharing, initiated by Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) and implemented by ecobus 生態巴士.