A mini-symposium will be held on 22 April 2018 from 1330 to 1700. In the symposium, Greengoers will share with you about their research outcome of the socio-environmental research focusing on various issues. For details about the symposium, please visit: http://www.ecobus.org.hk/site/greengoer-1718-symposium/
Monthly Archives: April 2018
2 posts
Greengoer 17/18 – 社會環境研究研討會暨畢業典禮 「學生環境領袖訓練計劃2017/18」是由環境運動委員會發起及支持、ecobus生態巴士策劃及主辦的訓練計劃,於2017年10月開展,為期10個月,目的是培養大專學生作為地球公民的意識,並訓練他們成為以環境保育與可持續發展為願景的領導者。