“My Nature Diary” is a campaign involving trails and coastal cleanups, litter survey citizen scientist research and environmental education. We hope to actively involve publics to get first hand experience and knowledge on solid wastes in the wildness.
‘My Nature Diary’ combines beach / mountain cleanup, citizen science* and environmental education. Through every cleanup event, participants can learn about the concrete issues of marine and mountain debris. The project aims to allow actual participation in beach / mountain cleanups, foster understanding in the global problem of plastic pollution through environmental education, record the amount and types of garbage through citizen science, as well as establish a database on Hong Kong’s marine and mountain debris. Data generated will form the basis of future environmental education, academic research and ultimately, the enactment and implementation of environmental protection policies.
*Citizen science is scientific research conducted, in whole or in part, by amateur (or nonprofessional) scientists. Sometimes described as ‘public participation in scientific research’, citizen science involves participatory monitoring and participatory action in research whose outcomes are often advancements in scientific research by improving the capacity of scientific communities, as well as raising public understanding of science.
#計劃由香港大學環境管理學碩士課程學生:Tom NG, Sharon SIU, Judy CHU 倡議,並作專題研習學術用途。
#The project was initiated by Tom NG, Sharon SIU, and Judy CHU, students of the Master of Science in Environmental Management at the University of Hong Kong, and for project and academic purposes.
主辦機構: 生態巴士
協辦機構: 社區共學有限公司
支持機構: 香港大學環境管理學碩士課程
鳴 謝: 海岸守護平台 (Tom NG, Sharon SIU, Judy CHU)
The plastic pellet spill incident in 2012 has aroused a wide concern among many Hong Kong people. A lot of volunteers and groups initiated a number of shoreline clean-ups and ecobus was one of them!
Despite having beach clean-up events prior to the incident, ecobus had put much effort on educational activities such as field visits to marine parks and snorkelling to promote marine conservation. In the near future, we will also focus on beach cleaning and organize a number of beach clean-ups in different beaches in Hong Kong.