Bag-2-Bag 袋袋相傳

Bag-2-Bag 袋袋相傳是一個由環境運動委員會發起及ecobus 生態巴士執行為期三個月的「環保袋社區共享先導計劃」。

Bag-2-Bag 袋袋相傳 is a pilot scheme on community shopping bags sharing, initiated by Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) and implemented by ecobus 生態巴士.

於二零一五年一月中至4 月中,在市民住所、學校及商場,放置裝有環保袋的特製「環保袋社區共享箱」,鼓勵市民共用環保袋。市民可免費使用購物袋,亦會鼓勵交還及捐贈使用過的環保袋。

From mid-Jan 2015 to mid-April 2015, stands for dropping and taking the used shopping bags (only clean non-woven and canvas bags)will be placed close to the community and shopping malls. The community can use the shopping bags free of charge and are encouraged to return and donate the used shopping bags to the stands.

Design V20141231

社區環保袋共享站地點:The selected locations include:
1. 香港大學 The University of Hong Kong
學生會大樓地下大堂 Union Foyer, G/F, Union Building
學生會大樓一樓學生會辦公室外 Outside Union Office, 1/F, Union Building
何東夫人紀念堂 Entrance of Lady Ho Tung Hall
2. 香港城市大學 City University of Hong Kong
城市大學書局對面 Opposite to CityU bookshop
CutPrice福利商店門口旁 Entrance of Cutprice
學術樓(三)高座三樓Delifrance對面 Opposite to Delifrance, 3/F, High Block, AC3
3. 秀茂坪邨 Sau Mau Ping Estate, Sau Mau Ping
秀明樓電梯大堂 Lift lobby of Sau Ming House
陳耀雄區議員辦事處門口 Entrance of district council member CHAN Yiu-hung, Jimmy Office
秀茂坪商場1及2號電梯電梯大堂 Lift (#1-2) lobby of Sau Mau Ping Shopping Mall
4. 上水天平邨 Tin Ping Estate, Sheung Shui
北區社區回收中心 North District Recycling Centre
黃宏滔議員辦事處門口 Entrance of district councilor Wong Wang To office
天平商場詢問處 Reception desk at Tin Ping Shopping Mall

1. 捐出家中環保袋(只限不織布袋及帆布袋)到「社區環保袋共享站」。
2. 歡迎免費使用「社區環保袋共享站」的環保袋,用後請放回收集箱。
3. 讓我們知道您的寶貴意見。
4. 於您的社區分享此計劃。

Please do support us and scheme by:
1. Donating the excess shopping bags (only clean non woven and canvas) to the stands at the selected locations
2. Participating the scheme by taking and returning shopping bags at the stands
3. Letting us know your feedback
4. Sharing among your community about the scheme

嗚謝參與機構:Acknowledgement to participating organizations:
香港大學 The University of Hong Kong
香港大學學生會 The Hong Kong University Students’ Union
香港大學學生會何東夫人紀念堂宿生會 Lady Ho Tung Hall Students’ Association, HKUSU, The University of Hong Kong
香港城市大學 City University of Hong Kong
香港城市大學環保會 Environmental Protection Society, City University of Hong Kong
香港城市大學學生宿舍處 Student Residence Office, City University of Hong Kong
香港房屋委員會及房屋署 The Hong Kong Housing Authority and Housing Department
秀明樓管理辦事處 Sau Mau Ping Estate Management Office
陳耀雄區議員辦事處 District Council Member CHAN Yiu-hung, Jimmy Office
領匯 The Link Management Ltd
秀茂坪商場 Sau Mau Ping Shopping Mall
北區居民聯會 North District Residents Association
黃宏滔議員辦事處 District councilor Wong Wang To office
天平商場 Tin Ping Shopping Mall
佳定集團(天平商場理公司) Savills Guardian Group (Management Company of Tin Ping Shopping Mall)