購物袋社區共享 Community Sharing of Shopping Bags

Community Sharing of resources:



With the support of Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF), ecobus shall organize the project called “Education cum community resources re-allocation scheme for community sharing of shopping bags” in Kwun Tong district from September 2015 to August 2016.


Shopping bags sharing stands will be set up in public area such as shopping malls, community centres, and also common area of residential buildings. In parallel, a Clean Recycling competition, Shopping Bag Recycling Competition, of shopping bags shall be held among schools in Kwun Tong to collect usable shopping bags for sharing station as well as a research-based competition, Community and Shopping Bag Study, shall be held among secondary students. Additionally, workshops will be provided to educate students to maximize the use of resources and the concept of resources community sharing. To raise the public’s environmental awareness on community sharing as well as publicize the project, a “Kick off ceremony” and a “Prize presentation ceremony and experience sharing” will be held. This project aims to promote community sharing of resources, reduce the use of shopping bags. Overall, through the proposed project, we hope to cultivate positive attitude for cherishing resources and initiate behaviour change of the consuming-disposal behaviour at the community level.

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Bag-2-Bag 袋袋相傳先導計劃 Pilot Scheme

Bag-2-Bag 袋袋相傳先導計劃 Pilot Scheme

Bag-2-Bag 袋袋相傳先導計劃是一個由環境運動委員會發起及ecobus 生態巴士執行為期三個月的「環保袋社區共享先導計劃」。於二零一五年一月中至四月中,在市民住所、學校及商場,放置裝有環保袋的特製「環保袋社區共享箱」,鼓勵市民共用環保袋。 Bag-2-Bag 袋袋相傳 is a pilot scheme on community shopping bags sharing, initiated by Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) and implemented by ecobus 生態巴士. From mid-Jan 2015 to mid-April 2015, stands for dropping and taking the used shopping bags (only clean non-woven and canvas bags) were placed close to the community and shopping malls.