Greengoer 19/20: 綠色手作市集及工作坊
第一次公眾教育活動將會以升級再造為主題,Greengoers 回收棄置的廢料,重新設計及製作有用的物品,令廢物重生 ! 活動會透過手作市集及升級再造工作坊,向大眾宣傳減廢訊息。
日期:2020年1月18日至1月19日 (星期六 – 日)
地點:D2 Place 一期 2樓 The Space (長沙灣長義街9號)
1. 木揮春
Greengoers 利用棄置木卡板,重新為木卡板添上意義。
2. 舊海報再造電腦袋
Greengoers 收集舊海報,重新塑造有用的物品。
3. 舊布料再造餐具袋
Greengoers 回收舊布料,製作餐具袋,鼓勵大家一起走塑 !
日期:2020年1月20日至1月21日 (星期一 – 二)
地點:黃大仙年宵59檔 (黃大仙鳳舞街40號摩士公園)
1. 卡板升級再造: 繞線畫工作坊
2. 紙包飲品盒升級再造: 散紙包工作坊
工作坊名額有限,請即報名預留位置 !
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Greengoer 19/20: Green Market and Workshop
Greengoer 2019-20 is a 8-month environmental leader training program dedicated for university students launched in Oct 2019. It is implemented by ecobus 生態巴士 under the support from Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC). It aims to foster global citizenship among tertiary students and to train them to be future leaders with visions in environmental conservation and sustainable development.
Passionate youth leaders from different universities and tertiary institutions in Hong Kong exercised their knowledge and skill to organize “Green Community Actions” (GCAs) with secondary schools after receiving extensive training. Besides, they have to plan and prepare TWO public events to promote environmental protection. The first public event is coming soon!
The theme of the first public event is UPCYCLING in order to promote upcycling concepts and spread the idea of reusing waste materials. It emphasizes on everyone can be the part of green participants as the greengoers are playing the role of recycling products marker, while the public are the supporters of recycling products. The event is separated into Green Market and Upcycling Workshop in which some festival elements have been included.
Green Market Details
Date: 18-19 January 2020 (Saturday and Sunday)
Time: 1300-2000
Venue: 2/F, The Space, D2 Place One (No.9 Cheung Yee Street, Cheung Sha Wan)
Upcycling Products Introduction:
1. Wood Fai Chun
Greengoers revitalized unwanted wooden pallets to create New Year decorations.
2. Laptop Bags from Used Banner
Greengoers reshaped used banners into useful daily products.
3. Tableware Bags from Used Cloths
Greengoers produced tableware bags from used cloths. Go plastic free together!
Upcycling Workshops Details
Date: 20-21 January 2020 (Monday and Tuesday)
Time: 1430-2130
Venue: Stall 59, Wong Tai Sin New Year Fair (No. 40 Fung Mo Street, Wong Tai Sin)
Upcycling Workshop Introduction:
1. Wood Pallet Upcycling: String Art Workshop
Participants can hammer iron pins on recycled wooden board to create the patterns. Use colored string to intertwine on the pins to produce a unique string art for Chinese New Year!
2. Beverage Carton Upcycling: Coin Purse Workshop
Participants can utilize the beverage carton to make a personalized coin purse. Just a few simple steps and creativity, you can give the carton a brand new life.
Please reserve a seat for the workshop!
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主辦機構 Organized by
發起及支持機構 Initiated and Supported by