ecobus生態巴士成立於2009年3月,是一個積極推廣生態教育的非牟利團體,成員專業且有抱負。我們的核心理念為「享受樂趣、關心保護及推廣分享」(Enjoy, Care & Share)。我們堅信透過生態教育,讓小朋友及年青一代接觸大自然及身邊的人文景觀,繼而了解、關注身處環境的變遷,學會愛護這片與大家息息相關的土地!
ecobus 生態巴士 is a not-for-profit organization for environmental education. Our core philosophy is “Enjoy, Care & Share”. Through feeling joyful from different outdoor and environmental education activities, we hope to build up the friendship between human and the nature. Our mission is to help younger generations to cultivate a positive attitude towards the environment.
讓大自然來啟迪我們吧! Let the nature inspire you!

聯絡資料 Contact Information
Postal Address: P.O. Box 79280, Mong Kok Post Office, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
聯絡電話 Contact number: (852) 51739558
電子郵件 Email:
網站 Website: