李樂詩博士是第一位踏足地球四極 (南極、北極、高極 – 青藏高原及塔里木盆地) 的香港女探險家。她專注研究極地科學,在地球四極進行多次探險。她過往在中港兩地也進行數百場講座和演講,致力推廣極地和環境保護的重要性。
Dr. Rebecca Lee Lok Sze is first Hong Kong female explorer who has visited all four extremes of the Earth, the North Pole, the South Poles, Mount Everest and Tarim Basin. Her researches focus on polar science and she has many times adventure to four poles of the earth. She delivered hundreds of talks and lectures in Hong Kong and China, which aimed to promote the importance of polar and environmental protection.

Polar Museum Foundation was founded in June 1997 by Dr Rebecca Lee, which hopes to promote the popularization of Earth Sciences and polar scientific expedition and hence exploring the importance of environmental protection. Therefore, this foundation can let the general public have new understanding and feelings of the Earth, and thus care more about environment.