蔡輝昱先生現正是台灣台北市私立復興實驗高級中學的探索體驗教學中心擔任課程指導員。過往積極參與各類型的登山和攀登活動,於二零零五至二零零七年更完成Outdoor Educator Mountaineering 31 days 全期訓練課程和無痕山林碩士資格,更四出教授正確的行山和野外活動方式,例如在二零一零年及二零一一年到香港為香港大學環境領袖訓練課程教授無痕山林課程。
Mr. Raven Tsai currently is the course instructor of Exploring and Experience Learning Centre in Taiwan Taipei Fusing Private School. He was fully engaged in different kinds of hiking and mountaineering activities. He finished the Outdoor Educator Mountaineering 31days full training course and Master of Leave No Trace in USA National Outdoor Leadership School(NOLS)from 2005-2007. Later, he taught professional ways in hiking and outdoor activities . For example, he gave the training of Leave No Trace in Hong Kong in 2010 and 2011 to ELLO participants.

On the other hand, Mr. Raven Tsai loves sedentary activities as well. He plays saxphone and listens classical and new age music. Also, he will join the outdoor outdoor gear research & design. This can make outdoor activities participants have good experience in different activities.