1. 享受樂趣︰
2. 關心保護︰
3. 推廣分享︰

Our Philosophy
1. Enjoy
Appreciating the diversity of the wonderful nature;experiencing the beauty of the natural environment.
2. Care
Caring and protecting our planet: starts from oneself,
Concerning the nature and conserving the environmental.
3. Share
Sharing the message of environmental protection to friends;
Inspiring others to devote in our mother nature.

ecobus strongly believe that environment education arousing the awareness is the key to many current environmental problems. However, nowadays people are in lesser and lesser contact with the nature. Excuse may include lack of time to visit or they don’t know where to visit and what to do in the nature. Additionally, we often hear the kids and youngsters saying that they prefer playing in front of the computer than going to the nature because they feel the nature boring and hot. It is a pity as the nature actually is the most interesting and rewarding playground to all mankind.
More importantly they don’t even know the nature, it is very hard to initiate them for environmental conservation.
我們的團隊由許多大自然愛好者和環境教育家組成。當我們回顧我們自己的經驗,我們發現其中兩個重要方法去令一個人去愛和關心大自然。第一是從第一次和大自然愉快體驗的推動力,第二是長期與大自然接觸的樂趣。因此,生態巴士將會帶給人們最愉快和獲益良多的自然體驗和帶領更多的人去體驗生態路線 “享受,關懷與分享”。
Our team consists of many nature lovers and environmental educationists. When we review our own experience, we find two important gateways for one to love and care the nature. The first one is the driving force from the positive joyful experience of the first contact with the nature; the second booster is the pleasure from continues contact with the nature. Therefore, ecobus would urge to bring people to experience the most enjoyable and most rewarding experience for nature. ecobus would like to lead more people experience the eco-route which is “Enjoy, Care & Share”.