由環境保護運動委員會基金支持下,生態巴士將於2015年9月至2016年8月期間,於觀塘區舉辦「袋袋相傳」運動。 With the support of Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF), ecobus shall organize the project called “Education cum community resources re-allocation scheme for community sharing of shopping bags” in Kwun Tong district from September 2015 to August 2016.
「無痕山林」 (Leave No Trace, 概念始源於美國, 其目的為研究人類在進行各種戶外活動時, 如何能盡量減低對自然環境的衝擊以及對自然生物及其他戶外使用者的影響, 並現已推廣至全球多個地方。
“Greengoer” is one of the programmes under “Student Environmental Protection Leader Training Scheme (SEPLS) 2015/16”. With the initiative and support from Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC), ecobus organizes this 10-month environmental leadership training scheme which is dedicated to tertiary students. (Details: Greengoer為「學生環境領袖訓練計劃2015/16」的其中一個項目,由環境運動委員會發起及支持,ecobus生態巴士策劃及主辦。 (詳情:
“Greengoer” is one of the programmes under “Student Environmental Protection Leader Training Scheme (SEPLS) 2015/16”. With the initiative and support from Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC), ecobus organizes this 10-month environmental leadership training scheme which is dedicated to tertiary students. Greengoer aims to foster global citizenship among tertiary students and to […]
最近,因大東山每年都會開花的芒草吸引了很多遊人遊覽,可惜有部分人不小心遺下垃圾,更有報章報導「大東山淪垃圾山」。 Recently, the beauty of annual flowering Miscanthus attracts a lot of visitors going to Sunset Peak. Unfortunately, some people have carelessly forgotten to pack out their trash. A newspaper has reported that “The Sunset Peak is becoming a mountain of garbage.”
「食物享樂」慈善Band Show 29.12.2013 (Sun) | 3:00-6:00pm | 青年廣場Y綜藝館 HK$100 普通門票 | HK$500 貴賓門票 12隊青年樂隊,以愛心點亮冬日;與你分享音樂、分享食物、分享愛!
How do you explain this? 你如何理解這些圖? Records of land sales in Hoi Ha and Pak Lap, two enclaves in the Sai Kung Country Parks, show how agriculture land has been sold to developers in recent years. Guess what, the new draft outline zoning plans show exactly these areas now […]
郊野公園近日成為城中話題,發展與保育,如何平衡? 香港地貌岩石保育協會名譽保育顧問,前漁護署助理署長王福義博士試從他與郊野公園一起走過的三十年, 與大家分享郊野公園當初成立的目的,理念與發展,並希望與各位一起探討郊野公園的未來方向。
你有冇諗過去南極或者北極呢? 你又有冇幻想過自己身處極地嘅野外生活會係點呢? 一位廿幾歲土生土長嘅香港大學生,一個機遇令佢成為首位華人探險極地工作者 —— 張偉賢 Wilson,率性自然嘅佢將於24/10星期四晚帶你一齊獨特地感受戶外世界比佢嘅回響。 機會難得,快D報名啦!