生態巴士現誠聘項目主任兩名,主要負責本會的環境教育項目,為期一年。詳情如下: ecobus is recruiting two project officers for our environmental education projects for one year. The details are as follows:
Greengoer 19/20: 四五綠挑戰 (Please scroll down for English version) 近日肺炎疫情肆虐,大部分環保活動和生態導賞被逼取消,相信很多人都有更多時間留在家中抗疫。與其無所事事,不如參加由 Greengoer* 所發起的「四五綠挑戰」,為生活增加一點樂趣。這環保挑戰讓大家利用身邊的電子器材和網上平台,輕鬆地增加對環境保育的認識。趕快上載帖文參加挑戰,贏取綠色獎品吧!
Details of the Programme : http://ecobus.org.hk/greengoer “Greengoer” is a tertiary student’s environmental leadership training programmes under “Student Environmental Protection Leader Training Scheme (SEPLS)”.
Call for Presentation and Participation The Biennial Symposium on Community Environmental Education in Southeast Asian Regions (CEES) aims at gathering, every two years, regional-based non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from southeast Asian countries to exchange inspirations, ideas and experience on community environmental education.