環運會綠色年宵 ECC Green New Year Fair


Be green and be blessed. Support a Green Lunar New Year Fair.

逛年宵可謂新年傳統活動。年宵過後,人們往往遺下大量垃圾,當中包含不少可再用資源,造成浪費。然而,我們深信,環保和喜慶節日是可以共存的! 在環境及自然保育基金支持下,環境運動委員會(環運會),環境保護署(環保署)和生態巴士會在農曆新年年宵中,推行一連串減廢回收措施及教育宣傳活動,旨在於大眾慶祝佳節時,促進源頭減廢及乾淨回收,共享綠色新年。 我們期望助大眾為新一年展開綠色生活,共同締造更綠色未來。



Visiting New Year Fair is one of the popular activities in the traditional Lunar New Year festival. After the Fair, a lot of wastes of which many could be turned into resources with proper recycling is usually produced. Yet, we believe that green initiatives can be integrated into the celebration through waste reduction, recycling and community sharing. With the generous support from Environment and Conservation Fund, a waste reduction promotional campaign will be jointly launched by Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC), Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and Ecobus in Lunar New Year Fair (the Fair). The campaign comprises of a series of activities that aim at reducing and recycling waste at the Fair, as well as educating the public on relevant green concepts. We sincerely hope that all of us can adopt a greener lifestyle in the coming year and create a more sustainable future together.


即將到來的綠色年宵 Coming Green New Year Fair…

2019 環運會綠色年宵 (觀塘及黃大仙)
ECC  Green New Year Fair 2019
(Kwun Tong & Wong Tai Sin)


more information.



2018 環運會觀塘綠色年宵回顧
ECC Kwun Tong Green New Year Fair 2018 Review


在環境及自然保育基金支持下,環境運動委員會(環運會),環境保護署(環保署)和生態巴士於2018年2月的觀塘年宵中,推行一連串減廢回收措施及教育宣傳活動,旨在於大眾慶祝佳節時,促進源頭減廢及乾淨回收,共享綠色新年。 我們期望助大眾為新一年展開綠色生活,共同締造更綠色未來。

With the generous support from Environment and Conservation Fund, a waste reduction promotional campaign was jointly launched by Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC), Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and Ecobus in 2018 Kwun Tong Lunar New Year Fair.

聯絡我們 Contact us

聯絡我們 Contact us

不論您: 有意捐贈年宵飾物或購物袋 希望成為綠綠大順檔商戶 對綠色年宵有任何疑問 都歡迎透過以下方式聯絡我們,我們熱切期待您的意見或查詢! You are welcome to contact us: For donating new year gifts and/or reusable shopping bags For joining the “Green New Year Stall 綠綠大順檔” scheme For any inquiries or ideas
清理家品.再找主人 Supporting Community Sharing of Reusable Items during the Lunar New Year Fair

清理家品.再找主人 Supporting Community Sharing of Reusable Items during the Lunar New Year Fair

逛年宵前 Before the Fair 所謂新一年,新境氣,棄舊迎新是常識吧。相信大家在清理家中雜物時,難免遇到難離難捨的時刻 ── 望見家中堆積如山的雜物無用武之地,扔之又相當可惜。讓我們幫忙使雜物再活一次吧!我們會於觀塘綠色年宵收集物品,與大家分享,實現資源再生。 Tidying up the flat before Lunar New Year is a traditional custom for families. This represents a wish to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the fresh new year. You may encounter situations where you find items that consum...
綠色年宵.教育展覽 Green New Year Fair Education Booth

綠色年宵.教育展覽 Green New Year Fair Education Booth

到訪年宵時 When visiting the Fair 福綠相傳.你我共存 Come and Know More about Green Living 我們希望綠色年宵能成為大家綠色生活的起點,讓你和家人邁向綠色生活,福綠安康。我們亦祝福大家讓這福氣一直傳承下去,生生不息。 我們在觀塘年宵佳廉道方向入口附近擺放了福綠相傳教育展覽,傳達三大信息,助你認識可持續的年宵。欲知詳情,歡迎於2月10日至15日下午4時至晚上10時來臨觀塘年宵參觀,獲取更多福綠小貼士! We will set up an education booth near Kai Lim ...
共享購物袋 Community sharing of shopping bags

共享購物袋 Community sharing of shopping bags

到訪年宵時 When visiting the Fair 袋袋相傳.細水流傳 忘記帶備購物袋?包在我們身上! 我們在場內回收箱旁擺放了不同大小的環保袋, 讓你可以免費取用。 環保袋數量有限,袋完即止。 Bag-2-Bag, Give, take and return What can you do if you find that you have forgotten to bring your own shopping bags to the Lunar New Year ...
借用非即棄餐具 Rental of reusable cutlery

借用非即棄餐具 Rental of reusable cutlery

到訪年宵時 When visiting the Fair 外賣走塑.惜食承諾 年宵美食花多眼亂,忌眼闊肚窄,宜三思而後買。 以為不浪費食物就等於惜食?少年你太年輕了! 去年外賣用的即棄塑膠餐具仍未被分解,若今年再來幾批,不知道還要等多少個秋? 別擔心!我們特意準備了已清潔妥當的可重用餐具,讓你從下午四時至晚上六時能夠在觀塘年宵場內使用。 保證你惜食多福,事事皆大吉! Avoid disposable items when purchasing cooked food in the Fair Purchase the right amount of food to reduce food...
支持「綠綠大順檔」環保商戶 Support Green New Year Stalls

支持「綠綠大順檔」環保商戶 Support Green New Year Stalls

到訪年宵時 When visiting the Fair 源頭減廢.齊齊受惠 「綠綠大順檔」是由年宵開始前及進行期間,承諾惜物積福,回收重用的商戶。 為表揚他們的努力,他們會於攤檔的當眼位置張貼「綠綠大順檔」約章計劃認證。 已有7成的乾貨店參與成為「綠綠大順檔」, 只要盡量光顧綠綠大順檔的商戶,便可以進一步支持綠色年宵。 你亦可以於福綠相傳攤位的「綠綠大順檔」地圖上找尋到他們的位置。   Business action and promise to reduce waste “Green New Year S...
拯救物資.再活一次 Rescue resources and redistribution to needy

拯救物資.再活一次 Rescue resources and redistribution to needy

逛年宵後 After new year fair 年宵結束時,觀塘綠色年宵物資拯救隊會收拾商戶的剩餘物資再轉贈予慈善團體及市民。 未被認領的物資亦會於二月十六日(年初一)凌晨三時開始送出。 清場過後,我們會於不同的鬧市街頭把物品再次送出。 詳細地點和時間會稍後公佈,請密切留意! After the New Year Fair, we will collect unsold and other useful items. The items will be shared to those who are in need. We will distribute the items on 16th February around 3am after closing of all the stalls. For some items, we will distribute them in the community. The details (date, time and venue) will be announced later.
年宵商戶如何支持綠色年宵? As a vendor, how can you support Green New Year Fair?

年宵商戶如何支持綠色年宵? As a vendor, how can you support Green New Year Fair?

綠綠大順.惜物積福 Join the “Green New Year Stall” Scheme
綠色年宵 齊做到 Green New Year Fair Songs

綠色年宵 齊做到 Green New Year Fair Songs

ecobus生態巴士聯同一班本地音樂創作人及歌手製作兩首賀年歌曲,希望透過音樂來宣揚環保信息。 歌曲將會於不同平台播放,請密切留意! 新一年一起唱好綠色年宵! ecobus creates two new year songs  in coordination with a local  music production team and performancers to promote environmental protection. Two songs will be broadcast via various platforms soon, please stay tuned! Let's sing for green in the new year!
領取觀塘年宵回收物資 Collecting the reused materials

領取觀塘年宵回收物資 Collecting the reused materials

環境運動委員會(環運會)、環境保護署(環保署) 聯同生態巴士(ecobus) 籌辦 《2018觀塘綠色年宵》,ecobus將會在年宵期間進行一連串回收減廢活動,並將於農曆年年初一(2018年2月16日)凌晨收集年宵攤位剩餘的有用物資,回收重用。 With the generous support from Environment and Conservation Fund, a waste reduction promotional campaign will be jointly launched by Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC), Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and Ecobus at the Kwun Tong Lunar New Year Fair. ecobus will collect unsold and other useful items. The items will be shared to those who are in need.