香港野外活動倫理網頁 Hong Kong Outdoor Ethics Website



Are you a regular visitor to the countryside in love with outdoor activities, or a city-dweller who just want to enjoy the rural fresh air occasionally?  What are the appropriate ways or decorum to behave in the environment and in the company of other visitors? From the Hong Kong Outdoor Ethics Website, you can find useful information to help you when you visit the countryside next time.

To know more about Hong Kong Outdoor Ethics Website


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夢想實現 Our Dream

夢想實現 Our Dream

生態巴士一直致力成位一個提供戶外活動及環境教育的專業機構,與大家分享大自然帶來的樂趣,並宣揚環境保育的信息。 實現夢想是推動我們每一位執行委員會成員和義工的原動力。未來,我們希望可以鼓勵大家展開可持續的綠色生活,並推動低碳生態旅遊。因此,生態巴士希望可以建立屬於自己的有機農莊、一輛生態巴士、生態巴士咖啡店和旅館。 如果你對推廣綠色生活有任何建議,或有興趣與我們一起實現夢想,歡迎與我們分享你的意見。 ecobus team would like to become one of the most professional and  educational organizations for both outdoor and environmental activities. In this way, we can share nature’s happiness and promote environmental conservation. Dreams are the most essential motivation in our lives for pushing forward each and every committee member and volunteer of our organization. In the future, we would like to bec...
生態巴士 The ecobus

生態巴士 The ecobus

香港的郊野公園鄰近市中心,觸手可及,可惜香港的生活節奏急速,工作忙碌,很少有機會接獨大自然。ecobus生態巴士希望拉近人和大自然的距離,深化人與大自然的關係,特別令我們的下一代更多機會跟大自然接觸。 Most of the Hong Kong Country Parks are just next to the city center, within reachable distance. However, not many Hongkongers get chance to experience nature due to their rapid pace of life preoccupying by busy work. ecobus hopes to bring men closer to nature and deepen their relationship, especially providing opportunities for the next generations to get in touch with nature.
生態巴士旅館 Ecobus Hostel

生態巴士旅館 Ecobus Hostel

購物天堂和石屎森林往往是香港給矛旅客的印象。其實,香港擁有很多寶貴的大自然資源,郊野公園及郊野地區佔了香港差不多百份之七十的土地面積,這些地方有著多樣化的生境,孕育了各種各樣的動物和植物。此外,香港首個國家地質公園於2009年正式成立。ecobus生態巴士可以生態巴士希望向全世界推廣香港美麗的生態和地貌。 To foreigners, shopping paradise and concrete jungle are the common impressions of Hong Kong. In fact, Hong Kong has tremendous valuable natural resources. Country parks and rural areas have accounted for almost 70% of the land in Hong Kong, providing diverse habitats with a variety of flora and fauna. Additionally, Hong Kong has her first National Geopark established in 2009. Ecobus wishes to promote the beauty of natural environment and landforms to the world.
計劃實踐 Inspiration

計劃實踐 Inspiration

對環保、生態教育事業一腔熱情的你,也許一直醞釀著一些構思和計畫,卻因種種原因和顧慮未能實施。讓我們幫助你吧!!把你的創意告訴生態巴士,攜手實現你的構想,為生態教育,為地球的未來出一份力! If you are enthusiastic or having loads of ideas and plans in environmental protection, ecological conservation and education, please bring up your ideas and let us know! Let’s work together and make the world a better and greener place!
成為義工 Become a Volunteer

成為義工 Become a Volunteer

“享受樂趣,關心保護,推廣分享”是生態巴士的宗旨。被大自然的鬼斧神工所吸引?為大自然的壯麗奇觀而感動?那就請您把感動化作行動吧! Our core philosophy is "Enjoy, Care & Share". Join us to share the passion and care about the nature among the youth and get them inspired by the nature! As a volunteer, you will become part of our effort to promote ecological education so that more people enjoy the nature and learn to protect our fragile earth.
機構合作 Partnership

機構合作 Partnership

隨著競爭格局的變化和社會意識的普遍增強,企業的社會形象和企業的誠信、品牌等一樣重要。 近年來,企業社會責任意識成為各大中小企業廣泛關注的話題。如貴機構有興趣在環保公益事業上貢獻一份力量,歡迎與生態巴士合作。
關注我們的專頁 Like Our Facebook Page

關注我們的專頁 Like Our Facebook Page

Please like our Facebook Page to get updated information.
工作機會 Job Opportunities

工作機會 Job Opportunities

項目主任 (社區參與) Project Coordinator (Community Engagement) 生態巴士(ecobus)現誠聘項目主任一名,主要負責本會以社區共享為主題的環境教育項目,為期一年。 ecobus is now recruiting one project coordinator to implement the environmental education project on community waste reduction.
捐助 Donation

捐助 Donation

生態巴士誠邀你一起促進本地生態教育,你們一點一滴的支持都相當重要!To promote ecological conservation and deliver education programmes , ecobus relies on your support!
教育活動 Education Programs

教育活動 Education Programs

教育活動特點 Educational Philosophy 1. 多元化趣味體驗 ecobus生態巴士帶您去遠足、觀星、觀鳥、觀蝶、考察大自然,讓您能享受、欣賞、學習大自然。我們為您提供工作坊、日營、實地考察、宿營、露營以至長期興趣課程等各類活動。 1. High diversity of interesting outdoor environmental activities ecobus is happy to lead you to the nature to enjoy hiking, stargazing, bird watching, butterfly watching, field studying etc. We hope you can enjoy, appreciate and learn in the nature with us. We provide you a wide range of workshops, day camps, field trips, wild camping and other long-term programs.
教育元素 Educational Values

教育元素 Educational Values

ecobus生態巴士活動及課程由三個部分組成:環境研究、戶外技能及文化意識。每個活動及課程都會以這些元素為基礎。 ecobus activities and courses are designed based on our core educational values: environmental knowledge, outdoor skills and cultural awareness. We integrate these three educational elements into all our programs and facilitate the experiential and adventurous learning of participants.
低碳文化生態遊 Culture & Nature Studies

低碳文化生態遊 Culture & Nature Studies

香港擁有豐富的生態和文化資源。這一系列的文化生態遊將帶領參加者了解和觀察市區和郊區的一些文化、生態寶藏。 Hong Kong has rich ecological and cultural resources. We will bring participants to visit these hotspots in this series of culture and nature study trips.
生態導賞團 Ecotour

生態導賞團 Ecotour

香港這塊彈丸之地,現存有四分之三的地方仍是郊野,擁有多樣化的生境,物種豐富的程度更可以與鄰近的海南島和台灣相比!現在就由生態巴士ecobus帶您發掘更多! Hong Kong is such a tiny place, however we still have three-quarters of area being the countryside. The diversity of plants and animals is abundant, which is comparable to the neighbouring Hainan Island and Taiwan! Let us bring you to discover more in the nature!
生態教育露營體驗 Wild Camping

生態教育露營體驗 Wild Camping

第一次遠離家門、第一次搭建帳篷、第一次炒菜做飯!其實露營不是想像中那麼複雜。一起跟生態巴士Ecobus體驗露營的樂趣吧! The first time to be away from home, to set up the tent, to make delicious dishes...let's join us to enjoy the fun of camping!
「無痕山林」訓練 Leave No Trace training

「無痕山林」訓練 Leave No Trace training

「無痕山林」(Leave No Trace, L.N.T.) 概念始源於美國,其目的是為了研究人類進行各類野外活動時,如何盡力減少對自然環境造成的衝擊。後來這個概念推廣至全球多個地方。學員將參加一個工作坊及一次野外露營訓練。 Leave No Trace (L.N.T.) is a concept developed in the U.S. back in 1960s. The concept calls for minimizing the impacts of outdoor activities. The ideas later spread to different parts of the world. Participants are required to attend a workshop and a training camp.
生態攝影課程 Eco-Photography

生態攝影課程 Eco-Photography

生態攝影課程是為配合新高中課程中,「其它學習歷程」環節而設計。本課程透過生態旅遊考察和生態攝影活動,令學生認識香港自然生態,藉此向他們灌輸環境保育訊息。 Eco-photography program has been designed based on "Other Learning Experiences" of the education reform. This program hopes to arouse students' awareness on the ecology of Hong Kong through field visit and photography in the nature environment. At the end of the program, they should understand the importance of environmental conservation.
浮潛體驗 Snorkeling

浮潛體驗 Snorkeling

清澈見底的海水,品種繁多的珊瑚,多樣化的海底生物……這些不只在Discovery Channel的紀錄片看到,還可以在香港多個海岸公園及海岸保護區內親身體驗!ecobus生態巴士帶領你通過浮潛,學習海底生態,認識香港的另一面!
獨木舟海岸探索 Kayaking

獨木舟海岸探索 Kayaking

擁有263個島嶼,733 km海岸線,是世界三大天然良港之一,這是哪裏?就是我們的家~香港!獨木舟旅程去探索這片獨特土地是最好不過!讓我們體驗香港水域沿岸的秀麗風光,同時提高對水上體育活動的安全意識和對保護環境的關注。
園藝班 Gardening

園藝班 Gardening

學校講座及工作坊 School Talk & Workshop

學校講座及工作坊 School Talk & Workshop

自訂課程 Customized Program

自訂課程 Customized Program

ecobus生態巴士擁有豐富課程策劃經驗,能夠滿足不同學校、機構、中心和團體的特定需要。請聯絡我們,生態巴士團隊將致力幫助您找出最佳的課程設計,滿足其需求和期望。 Ecobus is very experienced in organizing environmental education program. Depends on different aims and demands, we can design specific programs and courses for your school or organization. Please feel free to contact us to arrange the most suitable environmental education program to meet your expectation and needs.
活動報名 Online Enrollment

活動報名 Online Enrollment

如對上述活動有興趣,歡迎聯絡致電51739558與我們聯絡或電郵至 。我們會儘快給予回覆。 Should you have any queries, please contact us at 51739558 or email to . We will get back to you soon....

版權聲明 Copyright Notice

版權聲明 Ecobus生態巴士擁有本網站的版權。本網頁的內容,包括但不限於所有文本、平面圖、圖像、圖畫、照片以及數據或其他資料的匯編,均受版權保障。嚴禁轉載作商業用途。除非預先得到生態巴士的書面授權,否則嚴禁複製、改編、分發、發布或向公眾提供本網頁內容。 Copyright Notice Ecobus is the owner of all copyright works contained in this website. The content available on this website, including but not limited to all text, graphics, drawing, diagrams, photographs and compilation of data or other materials...

特別嗚謝 Acknowledgement

Our heartfelt thanks should be offered to all the organizations, parties and individuals who have made an effort to promote environmental education. Especially, we are grateful to receive supportive comments from our advisers. We are happy to coordinate...

生態巴士主頁 ecobus website

生態巴士主頁 ecobus website Ecobus生態巴士 成立於2009年3月,是一個積極推廣生態教育的非牟利團體,成員專業且有抱負。我們的核心理念為「享受樂趣、關心保護及推廣分享」(Enjoy, Care & Share)。我們堅信透過生態教育,讓小朋友及年青一代接觸大自然及身邊的人文景觀,繼而了解、關注身處環境的變遷,學會愛護這片與大家息息相關的土地! ecobus 生態巴士 is a not-for-profit organization for environmental education. Our core philosophy is "Enjoy, Care & Share". Through feeling joyful from different outdoor and environmental education activities, we hope to build up the friendship between human and the nature...
我的山海日誌 My Nature Diary

我的山海日誌 My Nature Diary

「我的山海日誌」計劃結合淨灘/淨山行動、公民科學、環境教育,期望透過每一次活動讓參加者了解山間廢棄物、海洋廢棄物(下稱:山廢、海廢)的議題。 "My Nature Diary" is a campaign involving trails and coastal cleanups, litter survey citizen scientist research and environmental education. We hope to actively involve publics to get first hand experience and knowledge on solid wastes in the wildness.
我的山海日誌網頁 My Nature Diary

我的山海日誌網頁 My Nature Diary

如果您想加入我們共創更美好的大自然, 註冊「我的山海日誌」,通過公民科學計劃,記錄淨灘/淨山的垃圾類型和數量, 點擊了解更多… If you want to join us together to make a better and greener nature. Register to our My Nature Diary for recording the amount and types of garbage for beach / mountain cleanup through citi...
環運會綠色年宵 ECC Green New Year Fair

環運會綠色年宵 ECC Green New Year Fair

年宵賀年,福綠齊來 Be green and be blessed. Support a Green Lunar New Year Fair.
聯絡我們 Contact us

聯絡我們 Contact us

不論您: 有意捐贈年宵飾物或購物袋 希望成為綠綠大順檔商戶 對綠色年宵有任何疑問 都歡迎透過以下方式聯絡我們,我們熱切期待您的意見或查詢! You are welcome to contact us: For donating new year gifts and/or reusable shopping bags For joining the “Green New Year Stall 綠綠大順檔” scheme For any inquiries or ideas
清理家品.再找主人 Supporting Community Sharing of Reusable Items during the Lunar New Year Fair

清理家品.再找主人 Supporting Community Sharing of Reusable Items during the Lunar New Year Fair

逛年宵前 Before the Fair 所謂新一年,新境氣,棄舊迎新是常識吧。相信大家在清理家中雜物時,難免遇到難離難捨的時刻 ── 望見家中堆積如山的雜物無用武之地,扔之又相當可惜。讓我們幫忙使雜物再活一次吧!我們會於觀塘綠色年宵收集物品,與大家分享,實現資源再生。 Tidying up the flat before Lunar New Year is a traditional custom for families. This represents a wish to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the fresh new year. You may encounter situations where you find items that consum...
綠色年宵.教育展覽 Green New Year Fair Education Booth

綠色年宵.教育展覽 Green New Year Fair Education Booth

到訪年宵時 When visiting the Fair 福綠相傳.你我共存 Come and Know More about Green Living 我們希望綠色年宵能成為大家綠色生活的起點,讓你和家人邁向綠色生活,福綠安康。我們亦祝福大家讓這福氣一直傳承下去,生生不息。 我們在觀塘年宵佳廉道方向入口附近擺放了福綠相傳教育展覽,傳達三大信息,助你認識可持續的年宵。欲知詳情,歡迎於2月10日至15日下午4時至晚上10時來臨觀塘年宵參觀,獲取更多福綠小貼士! We will set up an education booth near Kai Lim ...
共享購物袋 Community sharing of shopping bags

共享購物袋 Community sharing of shopping bags

到訪年宵時 When visiting the Fair 袋袋相傳.細水流傳 忘記帶備購物袋?包在我們身上! 我們在場內回收箱旁擺放了不同大小的環保袋, 讓你可以免費取用。 環保袋數量有限,袋完即止。 Bag-2-Bag, Give, take and return What can you do if you find that you have forgotten to bring your own shopping bags to the Lunar New Year ...
借用非即棄餐具 Rental of reusable cutlery

借用非即棄餐具 Rental of reusable cutlery

到訪年宵時 When visiting the Fair 外賣走塑.惜食承諾 年宵美食花多眼亂,忌眼闊肚窄,宜三思而後買。 以為不浪費食物就等於惜食?少年你太年輕了! 去年外賣用的即棄塑膠餐具仍未被分解,若今年再來幾批,不知道還要等多少個秋? 別擔心!我們特意準備了已清潔妥當的可重用餐具,讓你從下午四時至晚上六時能夠在觀塘年宵場內使用。 保證你惜食多福,事事皆大吉! Avoid disposable items when purchasing cooked food in the Fair Purchase the right amount of food to reduce food...
支持「綠綠大順檔」環保商戶 Support Green New Year Stalls

支持「綠綠大順檔」環保商戶 Support Green New Year Stalls

到訪年宵時 When visiting the Fair 源頭減廢.齊齊受惠 「綠綠大順檔」是由年宵開始前及進行期間,承諾惜物積福,回收重用的商戶。 為表揚他們的努力,他們會於攤檔的當眼位置張貼「綠綠大順檔」約章計劃認證。 已有7成的乾貨店參與成為「綠綠大順檔」, 只要盡量光顧綠綠大順檔的商戶,便可以進一步支持綠色年宵。 你亦可以於福綠相傳攤位的「綠綠大順檔」地圖上找尋到他們的位置。   Business action and promise to reduce waste “Green New Year S...
拯救物資.再活一次 Rescue resources and redistribution to needy

拯救物資.再活一次 Rescue resources and redistribution to needy

逛年宵後 After new year fair 年宵結束時,觀塘綠色年宵物資拯救隊會收拾商戶的剩餘物資再轉贈予慈善團體及市民。 未被認領的物資亦會於二月十六日(年初一)凌晨三時開始送出。 清場過後,我們會於不同的鬧市街頭把物品再次送出。 詳細地點和時間會稍後公佈,請密切留意! After the New Year Fair, we will collect unsold and other useful items. The items will be shared to those who are in need. We will distribute the items on 16th February around 3am after closing of all the stalls. For some items, we will distribute them in the community. The details (date, time and venue) will be announced later.
年宵商戶如何支持綠色年宵? As a vendor, how can you support Green New Year Fair?

年宵商戶如何支持綠色年宵? As a vendor, how can you support Green New Year Fair?

綠綠大順.惜物積福 Join the “Green New Year Stall” Scheme
綠色年宵 齊做到 Green New Year Fair Songs

綠色年宵 齊做到 Green New Year Fair Songs

ecobus生態巴士聯同一班本地音樂創作人及歌手製作兩首賀年歌曲,希望透過音樂來宣揚環保信息。 歌曲將會於不同平台播放,請密切留意! 新一年一起唱好綠色年宵! ecobus creates two new year songs  in coordination with a local  music production team and performancers to promote environmental protection. Two songs will be broadcast via various platforms soon, please stay tuned! Let's sing for green in the new year!
領取觀塘年宵回收物資 Collecting the reused materials

領取觀塘年宵回收物資 Collecting the reused materials

環境運動委員會(環運會)、環境保護署(環保署) 聯同生態巴士(ecobus) 籌辦 《2018觀塘綠色年宵》,ecobus將會在年宵期間進行一連串回收減廢活動,並將於農曆年年初一(2018年2月16日)凌晨收集年宵攤位剩餘的有用物資,回收重用。 With the generous support from Environment and Conservation Fund, a waste reduction promotional campaign will be jointly launched by Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC), Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and Ecobus at the Kwun Tong Lunar New Year Fair. ecobus will collect unsold and other useful items. The items will be shared to those who are in need.
購物袋社區共享 Community Sharing of Shopping Bags

購物袋社區共享 Community Sharing of Shopping Bags

資源社區共享 Community Sharing of resources: 由環境保護運動委員會基金支持下,生態巴士將於2015年9月至2016年8月期間,於觀塘區舉辦「袋袋相傳」運動。 With the support of Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF), ecobus shall organize the project called “Education cum community resources re-allocation scheme for community sharing of shopping bags” in Kwun Tong district from September 2015 to August 2016.
Bag-2-Bag 袋袋相傳先導計劃 Pilot Scheme

Bag-2-Bag 袋袋相傳先導計劃 Pilot Scheme

Bag-2-Bag 袋袋相傳先導計劃是一個由環境運動委員會發起及ecobus 生態巴士執行為期三個月的「環保袋社區共享先導計劃」。於二零一五年一月中至四月中,在市民住所、學校及商場,放置裝有環保袋的特製「環保袋社區共享箱」,鼓勵市民共用環保袋。 Bag-2-Bag 袋袋相傳 is a pilot scheme on community shopping bags sharing, initiated by Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) and implemented by ecobus 生態巴士. From mid-Jan 2015 to mid-April 2015, stands for dropping and taking the used shopping bags (only clean non-woven and canvas bags) were placed close to the community and shopping malls.
山野無痕:香港野外活動倫理 Hong Kong Outdoor Ethics

山野無痕:香港野外活動倫理 Hong Kong Outdoor Ethics

我們熱愛大自然,喜歡到大自然活動。然而,在進行戶外活動的時候,如何減低對環境的破壤呢?「山野無痕:香港野外活動倫理 Hong Kong Outdoor Ethics」是要不留下任何痕跡,讓每人都能享受野外環境的美好。 We love to go to play with the nature. However, how can we reduce our impacts when having the outdoor activities? 「山野無痕:香港野外活動倫理 Hong Kong Outdoor Ethics」teaches people how to reduce our impacts towards the environment and enjoy the outdoors responsibly.
香港野外活動倫理網頁 Hong Kong Outdoor Ethics Website

香港野外活動倫理網頁 Hong Kong Outdoor Ethics Website

不論你是戶外活動愛好者,還是想一嚐野外活動樂趣的都市人,透過香港野外活動倫理網頁,你可以找到一些有用的資訊,理解在進行這些活動時,能如何更善待大自然和其他同路人。 Are you a regular visitor to the countryside in love with outdoor activities, or a city-dweller who just want to enjoy the rural fresh air occasionally?  What are the appropriate ways or decorum to behave in the environment and in the company of other visitors? From the Hong Kong Outdoor Ethics Website, you can find useful information to help you when you visit the countryside next time.
我的山海日誌 My Nature Diary

我的山海日誌 My Nature Diary

「我的山海日誌」計劃結合淨灘/淨山行動、公民科學、環境教育,期望透過每一次活動讓參加者了解山間廢棄物、海洋廢棄物(下稱:山廢、海廢)的議題。 "My Nature Diary" is a campaign involving trails and coastal cleanups, litter survey citizen scientist research and environmental education. We hope to actively...
鄉郊發展監察 Rural Development

鄉郊發展監察 Rural Development

 近年,隨著市民對保護自然環境的意識日益提高,郊區違規發展和環境破壞的問題逐漸受到大眾關注。ecobus生態巴士走進受到發展和破壞威脅的地點,記錄當地的環境、地貌和生態,以保護香港珍貴的自然環境。  ...

私隱政策 Privacy Policy

更新於二零一三年八月八日 私隱政策 個人資料收集和使用 《個人資料(私隱)條例》的修訂條文於2013年4月1日起正式生效,本機構配合條文作出以下安排。我們不會收集可辨別到您的個人身份的信息,除非您向我們自行提供。例如,如果您決定填寫捐款,義工登記或活動參加表格,您可能會被要求提供您的資料(姓名、電子郵件地址、通信地址、電話號碼、年齡和帳戶等個人資料)。你的個人資料將會絕對保密,及只作內部使用。在您同意的前提下,我們亦會發送ecobus生態巴士通訊給你,讓你瞭解本機構的最新動向。倘若您希望停止接收以上資訊,請以書面(信封註明「私隱保護」)或電郵通知本會,並於內容列明您的姓名、聯絡電話及電郵,以便本機構作出跟進。如 您曾經取消訂閱本公司資訊,亦歡迎您聯絡我們恢復訂閱。本機構將會按照《個人資料(私隱)條例》妥善處理及儲存您的個人資料。如有任何查詢,請透過電子郵件至與我們聯絡。 鏈接 本網站可能含有指向或來自其他網站的鏈接。請注意,我們不對其他網站在私隱方面的做法承擔責任。本私隱政策只適用於我們在本網站上收集到的信息。如果您從本網站鏈接到其他網站或以其他方式到訪其他網站,我們促請您閱讀該網站的私隱政策。 變更的通知 我們可以隨時修改本私隱政策。如果我們決定更改本私隱政策,我們將會在本網站張貼修改後的政策。由於我們可能會隨時進行修改,我們建議您定期查閱本私隱政策。 意見 我們採取了大量措施以確保您到訪本網站時能夠獲得最佳的感受,而且您的私隱能夠時刻得到尊重。如果您對我們在私隱保護方面的做法有任何問題、意見或憂慮,請發送電子郵件至或致函我們。       Updated on 8th August, 2013 Privacy Policy Personal information collection and use From 1st April 2013, the Personal Data ...

聯絡資料 Contact Us

聯絡資料 Contact Information 郵寄地址:香港九龍旺角旺角郵政局郵政信箱79280號 Postal Address: P.O. Box 79280, Mong Kok Post Office, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong 聯絡電話 Contact number: (852) 51739558 電子郵件 Email: 網站 Website: ...

關於我們 About us

ecobus生態巴士 成立於2009年3月,是一個積極推廣生態教育的非牟利團體,成員專業且有抱負。我們的核心理念為「享受樂趣、關心保護及推廣分享」(Enjoy, Care & Share)。我們堅信透過生態教育,讓小朋友及年青一代接觸大自然及身邊的人文景觀,繼而了解、關注身處環境的變遷,學會愛護這片與大家息息相關的土地! ecobus 生態巴士 is a not-for-profit organization for environmental education. Our core philosophy is "Enjoy, Care & Share". Through feeling joyful from different outdoor and environmental education activities, we hope to build up the friendship between human an...
我們的故事 Our Story

我們的故事 Our Story

一天,導賞員帶着十數人來到海下灣海岸公園參觀。 他拿出一些海洋生物的圖片,問:你們見過海馬嗎? One day, a tour guide led a group of children visiting Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park. The guide showed some pictures of marine lives and asked: Have you ever seen a seahorse?
我們的理念 Our Philosophy

我們的理念 Our Philosophy

核心理念 1. 享受樂趣︰ 離開城市的喧囂,投入大自然的懷抱,享受美景,探索奧妙; 2. 關心保護︰ 關心生態環境,提高保護意識,身體力行,點滴做起; 3. 推廣分享︰ 向更多人分享大自然賜予的快樂,傳遞關懷愛護自然生態的訊息。 Our Philosophy 1. Enjoy Appreciating the diversity of the wonderful nature;experiencing the beauty of the natural environment. 2. Care Caring and protecting our planet: starts from oneself, Concerning th...
我們的使命 Our Mission

我們的使命 Our Mission

我們的使命 從青少年及兒童著手推行本土環境教育,讓生態保育及可持續發展的意識根植於更多香港人,從而建設人類與大自然和諧共處的未來。 1) 實行我們的理念:享受樂趣,關心保護,推廣分享 2) 協助青少年及兒童培養對待大自然的正確態度 3) 增進學生對生態保育及可持續發展概念的認識 4) 輔助學校及社區推行環境教育 Our Mission ecobus environmental education team has the greatest passion for environmental education esp...
顧問 Advisors

顧問 Advisors

由兩名資深環境教育工作者提供寶貴意見,令我們獲益良多。 Two experienced environmental educator provide their professional opinion so we learn a lot.  
李樂詩博士 Dr. Rebecca Lee

李樂詩博士 Dr. Rebecca Lee

李樂詩博士是第一位踏足地球四極 (南極、北極、高極 – 青藏高原及塔里木盆地) 的香港女探險家。她專注研究極地科學,在地球四極進行多次探險。她過往在中港兩地也進行數百場講座和演講,致力推廣極地和環境保護的重要性。 Dr. Rebecca Lee Lok Sze is first Hong Kong female explorer who has visited all four extremes of the Earth, the North Pole, the South Poles, Mount Everest and Tarim Basin. Her researches focus on polar scienc...
蔡輝昱先生 Mr. Raven Tsai

蔡輝昱先生 Mr. Raven Tsai

蔡輝昱先生現正是台灣台北市私立復興實驗高級中學的探索體驗教學中心擔任課程指導員。過往積極參與各類型的登山和攀登活動,於二零零五至二零零七年更完成Outdoor Educator Mountaineering 31 days 全期訓練課程和無痕山林碩士資格,更四出教授正確的行山和野外活動方式,例如在二零一零年及二零一一年到香港為香港大學環境領袖訓練課程教授無痕山林課程。 Mr. Raven Tsai currently is the course instructor of Explorin...
合作機構 Partners

合作機構 Partners

經過多年環境教育活動的經驗,我們已擁有廣泛的合作網絡。 After years of experience in environmental education activities, we already have extensive cooperation network. 過往及現正合作的機構︰ The Organizations which have had/ are having cooperation: