免責聲明 Disclaimer



  1. 本網站提供的資料只作一般私人參考用途,並不可視為法律或法庭常規的詳盡及權威性的說明,亦不可取代專業法律諮詢。
  2. 我們會力求提供最準確的資料,但在個別情況下,這些資料仍可能與最新的情況有所不同。如因使用本網站所提供的資料而引致任何損失,ecobus生態巴士概不負責。
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  6. 為了方便瀏覽者,本網站建立了一些指向其他網站的連結及轉發資訊。ecobus對這些網站的內容概不負責。

Updated on 6th August, 2011


  1. The information on this website is for general reference and private use only. It should not be treated as a complete and authoritative statement of law or court practice, or a substitute for professional legal advice.
  2. We shall keep the information on this website as accurate as possible, but it may not reflect the most updated situation in some individual cases. ecobus shall not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from the use of such information.
  3. There are English and Traditional Chinese version of this disclaimer. If there is any discrepancy between these versions, the Traditional Chinese version should take precedence.
  4. Communication over the Internet may be subject to interruption or delay due to Internet traffic or incorrect data transmission. ecobus does not guarantee that messages sent over the Internet are secure and does not accept any responsibility for any damages incurred if you send a message to us, or if we send a message to you at your request, over the Internet.
  5. E-mails should be used solely for making general enquiries and should not contain personal data or information pertaining to a particular court case. E-mails received may be re-directed to the office/registry concerned for reply.
  6. External links and forward posts included in this website are for users’ convenience and ecobus is not responsible for the content of such webpages linked and forward posts.