Educational Philosophy
1. 多元化趣味體驗
1. High diversity of interesting outdoor environmental activities
ecobus is happy to lead you to the nature to enjoy hiking, stargazing, bird watching, butterfly watching, field studying etc. We hope you can enjoy, appreciate and learn in the nature with us. We provide you a wide range of workshops, day camps, field trips, wild camping and other long-term programs.
2. 小組活動式學習
2. Small-group experiential learning
All the ecobus activities are led by instructors who are experienced in outdoor activities and environmental education. To maximize the both teaching and learning experience, we try our best to lower the instructor-to-student ratio (usually 1 teacher to 3-8 students) to increase interactions. In addition, there are international or local certified first aiders in each of our program to ensure participants’ safety.
3. 著重可持續發展及批判性思考
3. Sustainable development and critical thinking
Our activities bring up the core concept of environmental conservation and sustainable development. We lead participants to explore different points of view from various stakeholders. We also encourage and cultivate participants’ independent and critical thinking by activities such as group discussion and debate.
Activities details
ecobus activities and courses are designed based on our core educational values: environmental knowledge, outdoor skills and cultural awareness. We integrate these three educational elements into all our programs and facilitate the experiential and adventurous learning of participants.
Hong Kong has rich ecological and cultural resources. We will bring participants to visit these hotspots in this series of culture and nature study trips.
Hong Kong is such a tiny place, however we still have three-quarters of area being the countryside. The diversity of plants and animals is abundant, which is comparable to the neighbouring Hainan Island and Taiwan! Let us bring you to discover more in the nature!
The first time to be away from home, to set up the tent, to make delicious dishes...let's join us to enjoy the fun of camping!
「無痕山林」(Leave No Trace, L.N.T.) 概念始源於美國,其目的是為了研究人類進行各類野外活動時,如何盡力減少對自然環境造成的衝擊。後來這個概念推廣至全球多個地方。學員將參加一個工作坊及一次野外露營訓練。
Leave No Trace (L.N.T.) is a concept developed in the U.S. back in 1960s. The concept calls for minimizing the impacts of outdoor activities. The ideas later spread to different parts of the world. Participants are required to attend a workshop and a training camp.
Eco-photography program has been designed based on "Other Learning Experiences" of the education reform. This program hopes to arouse students' awareness on the ecology of Hong Kong through field visit and photography in the nature environment. At the end of the program, they should understand the importance of environmental conservation.
清澈見底的海水,品種繁多的珊瑚,多樣化的海底生物……這些不只在Discovery Channel的紀錄片看到,還可以在香港多個海岸公園及海岸保護區內親身體驗!ecobus生態巴士帶領你通過浮潛,學習海底生態,認識香港的另一面!
擁有263個島嶼,733 km海岸線,是世界三大天然良港之一,這是哪裏?就是我們的家~香港!獨木舟旅程去探索這片獨特土地是最好不過!讓我們體驗香港水域沿岸的秀麗風光,同時提高對水上體育活動的安全意識和對保護環境的關注。
Ecobus is very experienced in organizing environmental education program. Depends on different aims and demands, we can design specific programs and courses for your school or organization. Please feel free to contact us to arrange the most suitable environmental education program to meet your expectation and needs.
如對上述活動有興趣,歡迎聯絡致電51739558與我們聯絡或電郵至info@ecobus.org.hk 。我們會儘快給予回覆。
Should you have any queries, please contact us at 51739558 or email to info@ecobus.org.hk . We will get back to you soon....