ecobus activities and courses are designed based on our core educational values: environmental knowledge, outdoor skills and cultural awareness. We integrate these three educational elements into all our programs and facilitate the experiential and adventurous learning of participants.
Three main educational values
1. 環境研究
○ 自然史:動物和植物鑑定、天文、氣象和地質;
○ 區域及全球環境問題;
○ 土地資源的利用和管理;
○ 可持續發展的概念:生態、社會和經濟融合;
○ 「無痕山林」的戶外活動概念,以盡量減底對環境的衝擊;
○ 郊外活動的倫理和道德,及其日常生活應用。
1. Environmental knowledge
○ Natural History: Animals and plants identification, astronomy, meteorology and geology;
○ Local and global environmental issues;
○ Use and management of land resources;
○ Concept of sustainable development integrating ecological, social and economic needs;
○ “Leave No Trace” concept: to minimize the human impact to the nature during outdoor activities;
○ Code of outdoor ethics and its application related to daily life.
2. 戶外技能
○ 裝備的選擇和護理;
○ 理性規劃行程及活動;
○ 戶外生存技能;
○ 路線調查、導航、地圖和指南針使用;
○ 個人衛生和正確廢物處理。
2. Outdoor Skills
○ Equipment selection and maintenance;
○ Planning and selecting the activities rationally;
○ Outdoor survival skills;
○ Route survey, navigation, map reading and use of compass;
○ Personal hygiene and proper waste management.
3. 文化意識
○ 獨立、批判性思維;
○ 個人的社會洞察力;
○ 正面的文化價值觀,信念和觀念;
○ 全球公民意識及保育大自然的責任感。
3. Cultural awareness
○ Independent and critical thinking;
○ Independent social awareness;
○ Positive cultural values, belief and awareness;
○ Global citizenship and natural conservation responsibility.