「無痕山林」(Leave No Trace, L.N.T.) 概念始源於美國,其目的是為了研究人類進行各類野外活動時,如何盡力減少對自然環境造成的衝擊。後來這個概念推廣至全球多個地方。學員將參加一個工作坊及一次野外露營訓練。
Leave No Trace (L.N.T.) is a concept developed in the U.S. back in 1960s. The concept calls for minimizing the impacts of outdoor activities. The ideas later spread to different parts of the world. Participants are required to attend a workshop and a training camp.
「無痕山林」課程由一個工作坊及一次野外露營訓練組成。在工作坊中,學員將學習「無痕山林」的理念及其重要性。而在露營活動中,學員將實踐各種在野外減少破壞環境的技巧,把工作坊的學到的理念付諸實行。課程將配合美國「無痕山林」學員編製的教材,以英語及粵語授課。學員成功完成整個課程及評核後,將獲得由美國 Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics 所頒發、受國際認可的證書。
The Leave No Trace (L.N.T.) course is composed of a workshop and a training camp. In the workshop, participants will learn the ideas and importance of L.N.T. In the camp, participants are required to use the skills that they learnt in the workshop in the wild. This course follows closely the teaching materials offered by the U.S. authority, and will be delivered in both English and Cantonese. After finishing the course and passing the assessment, participants can receive an official certificate issued by the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics from the U.S.
○ 學習「無痕山林」的七大原則
○ 學習減少衝擊自然環境的野外活動技巧
○ 培養愛護自然環境的意識
﹣ To learn the seven principles of L.N.T.
﹣ To learn the skills of minimizing the impact of outdoor activities
﹣ To arouse the awareness to nature conservation
○ 「無痕山林」工作坊 及 訓練營 (適合中學生或以上程度)
○ 「無痕山林」體驗工作坊 (適合小學生)
﹣ L.N.T. workshop and training camp (suitable for Secondary School students or above)
﹣ L.N.T. workshop (suitable for Primary School students)