Greengoer 19/20: 四五綠挑戰

Greengoer 19/20: 四五綠挑戰

(Please scroll down for English version)

近日肺炎疫情肆虐,大部分環保活動和生態導賞被逼取消,相信很多人都有更多時間留在家中抗疫。與其無所事事,不如參加由 Greengoer* 所發起的「四五綠挑戰」,為生活增加一點樂趣。這環保挑戰讓大家利用身邊的電子器材和網上平台,輕鬆地增加對環境保育的認識。趕快上載帖文參加挑戰,贏取綠色獎品吧!

poster (2)




  • 參加者需連續4星期
  • 每星期以公開帖子方式發表2個帖文到生活時報
  • 內容須與以下5個主題有關
  • 上傳到Facebook或Instagram (二擇一,重覆者將不獲計算)
  • 每個帖文需要包括最少20字描述,並標記3個朋友
  • 帖文必須包括hashtag #456challenge 及 #ecobus


  • 城市生態
  • 香港的生物多樣性
  • 綠色生活
  • 無痕山林
  • Stay home環保活動


  • 參與獎: 完成挑戰的參加者將獲得一條Mil Mill 環保廁紙(三十份),如完成挑戰人數超出限額,將以抽籤形式處理。
  • 最受歡迎獎: 帖文獲得最多讚好次數的三名參加者將分別獲得 好好社企購物禮券 HKD300、HKD200 及HKD100 (Facebook及Instagram將分開計算)


Facebook 專頁:四五綠挑戰 456Challenge



*關於 Greengoer




Greengoer 19/20: Facebook & Instagram Green Challenge

Under the coronavirus outbreak, most green events and ecotours have been cancelled, and people are spending more time at home on electrical devices. While fewer channels are available to receive green messages, Greengoer* has initiated the Facebook & Instagram Green Challenge.This allows the public to share good photos of nature and green lifestyle on social platforms for greater awareness on environmental protection. Let’s stay at home, bring the outdoors in and connect with your family and friends!

Details of Facebook & Instagram Green Challenge

1. Date:

13 April to 13 May 2020


  • Participants have to write and share TWO posts every week either on their Facebook or Instagram pages publicly within FOUR weeks
  • Each post should include at least one photo that is related to the FIVE themes mentioned below
  • Participants have to write at least 20 words and tag THREE friends for each post
  • Each post must contain the hash tags #456challenge and #ecobus


  • Urban Ecology
  • Biodiversity of Hong Kong
  • Green Lifestyle
  • Leave No Trace Practice
  • Stay Home Green Activities


  • Participation Award
    30 participants who complete the challenge will be awarded with ten rolls of mil mill toilet paper (when there is oversubscription, selection will be made by drawing lots)
  • Most Popular Award
    The three participants with posts receiving the highest number of “Likes” on Facebook or Instagram will be awarded with HKD300; HKD200 and HKD100 SE Gift Certificate respectively

***Result will be announced on 20 May 2020 on our Facebook and Instagram pages and awardees will be informed through inbox.

Contact us:
Facebook Page:四五綠挑戰 456Challenge
Instagram Account:456Challenge

In the event of any dispute, our decision shall be final and conclusive. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of the rules of the challenge, the Chinese version shall prevail.


*Greengoer 2019-20 is an 8-month environmental leader training program dedicated to university students launched in Oct 2019. It is implemented by ecobus under the support from the Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC). It aims to foster global citizenship among tertiary students and to train them to be future leaders with visions in environmental conservation and sustainable development.

Passionate youth leaders from different universities and tertiary institutions in Hong Kong exercised their knowledge and skill to organize “Green Community Actions” (GCAs) with secondary schools after receiving extensive training. Besides, they have to plan and prepare TWO public events to promote environmental protection.

Know more about Greengoer: