Details of the Programme – http://ecobus.org.hk/greengoer
“Greengoer” is one of the programmes under “Student Environmental Protection Leader Training Scheme (SEPLS) 2016/17”. With the initiative and support from Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC), ecobus organizes this 10-month environmental leadership training scheme which is dedicated to tertiary students. Greengoer aims to foster global citizenship among tertiary students and to train them to be future leaders with visions in environmental conservation and sustainable development. Around 40 tertiary students who are concerned about the environment will be selected. Participants have to attend extensive training including workshops, seminars, field visits and a training camp in order to equip themselves with relevant knowledge and experience. Later, they will organize green activities with secondary school teachers and students themed as “Green Community Actions” (GCAs). GCAs cover four aspects, including: (1) Waste Management, (2) Biodiversity, (3) Climate Change, and (4) Others. Greengoer為「學生環境領袖訓練計劃2016/17」的其中一個項目,由環境運動委員會發起及支持,ecobus生態巴士策劃及主辦。此計劃的目的是培養大專學生作為地球公民的意識,並訓練他們成為以環境保育與可持續發展為願景的領導者。此計劃將為期10個月,招收40名對環境保護工作有熱誠的大專院校學生參加。參加者將會接受一連串有關環保的訓練,包括工作坊、研討會、野外考察和訓練營等,以提升相關知識和技巧。隨後,參加者將與中學老師及學生合作策劃以「綠色社區行動」為主題的活動。「綠色社區行動」涵蓋四大範疇:(1)廢物管理,(2)生物多樣性,(3)氣候變化,及(4)其他。

From this scheme, you will be able to:
- Enhance environmental knowledge and understanding of role of different stakeholders through extensive training
- Gain opportunity to initiate and organize interesting and innovative “Green Community Actions” with secondary schools
- Acquire hands-on experience in planning and implementing of environmental activities
- Have a chance to talk to and exchange ideas about the environment with Mr. Wong Kam Sing – Secretary for the Environment, Environment Bureau, HKSAR Government
- Exchange ideas with mentors from different areas of environmental protection / conservation through the mentorship programme
- 獲得一連串訓練,以提升對環境知識及對不同持份者角色的理解
- 有機會與中學合作策劃及舉辦有趣、創新的綠色社區行動
- 得到組織和推廣環保活動的機會經驗
- 與香港特區政府環境局局長黃錦星先生對談,交流有關環保的政策及心得
- 透過師友計畫與不同環保領域的導師交流心得

- Participants with at least 80% attendance and successful completion of the scheme will be awarded a certificate from ECC
- Three environmental leaders with outstanding performance will be awarded to join an overseas field trip to Brunei and Borneo Island in Summer 2017, to explore the tropical rainforests and study their biodiversity and conservation measures
- 出席率達八成以上及成功完成計劃的參加者,可獲得由環境運動委員會頒發的嘉許證書
- 三名表現出色的環境領袖,將於2017年暑假與ecobus生態巴士代表一同前往汶萊及婆羅洲島考察,探索熱帶雨林及研習其生物多樣性和保育政策。

Training Programme (Tentative)
Date |
Time |
content |
Venue |
15 Oct 2016 |
Night |
Briefing |
22 Oct 2016 (Sat) |
Morning |
Outdoor Field Trip |
29 – 30 Oct 2016 (Sat – Sun) |
Training Camp |
Lady MacLehose Holiday Village |
5 Nov 2016 (Sat) |
Night |
Plan and Proposal Writing Workshop |
University |
12 Nov 2016 (Sat) |
Guest Lecture I |
University |
19 Nov 2016 (Sat) |
Guest Lecture II |
University |
26 Nov 2016 (Sat) |
Guest Lecture III |
University |
Nov 2016 – Apr 2017 |
— |
Mentorship Programme |
— |
20 Jan 2016 (Fri) |
Night |
Exchange with Government Officials |
University |
Jan – Apr 2017 |
1. Preparation and liaison with relevant secondary school 2. Green Community Action in Practice 3. Public Activity |
University |
Jan – Mar 2017 |
Night |
Mid-progress Session |
University |
May 2017 |
Night |
Ceremony and Exhibition |
訓練計劃 (暫定)
日期 |
時間 |
內容 |
地點 |
2016年10月15日 (六) |
晚上 |
第一次簡介會 |
大學 |
2016年10月22日 (六) |
上午 |
野外考察 |
待定 |
2016年10月29至30日 (六至日) |
2日1夜訓練營 |
麥理浩夫人度假村 |
2016年11月5日 (六) |
晚上 |
計劃書寫作工作坊 |
大學 |
2016年11月12日 (六) |
第一次講座 |
大學 |
2016年11月19日 (六) |
第二次講座 |
大學 |
2016年11月26日 (六) |
第三次講座 |
大學 |
2016年11月至2017年4月 |
— |
師友計劃 |
— |
2017年1月20日 (五) |
晚上 |
政府官員交流會 |
大學 |
2017年1月至4月 |
待定 |
1. 與相關中學面談及準備工作 2. 社區環保活動 3. 公眾公開活動 |
待定 |
2017年1月至3月 |
晚上 |
進度報告會 |
大學 |
2017年5月 |
待定 |
活動完結典禮 |
待定 |
Guest Speaker 講座嘉賓
- Mr. Andy Li(Coordinator of the “Polyfoam Recycling Scheme”) 李家銘先生 (“迷失的寶藏: 發泡膠回收行動”發起人)
- Prof. Wong Fook Yee (Former Assistant Director (Country and Marine Parks) of the AFCD; Adjunct Professor at Geography & Resource Management Department of CUHK; Honorary Associate Professor at Geography Department of HKU; Committee member of Friends of Country Parks) 王福義教授(前任漁農自然護理署助理署長; 香港中文大學地理與資源管理學系客座教授; 香港大學地理學系名譽副教授;郊野公園之友會委員會幹事)
- Dr. Lee Lok Sze Rebecca (Founder of Polar Museum Foundation) 李樂詩博士(極地博物館基金發起人)
- Ms. Ho Pui Han (Director of Association for the Ecological and Cultural Conservation of Aquilaria Sinensis) 何佩嫻女士(土沉香生態及文化保育協會總幹事)
Exchange with Government Officials – Guest
政府官員交流會- 嘉賓
- Mr. Wong Kam Sing (Secretary for the Environment, Environment Bureau, HKSAR Government) 黃錦星先生 (香港特別行政區政府環境局局長)
Application 報名方法
Application Fee 費用
- Successful participants are required to pay a deposit of HK$ 500. Deposits will be refunded upon successful completion of the training scheme with at least 80% attendance.
- 獲取錄的參加者需繳付港幣五百元按金。參加者需成功完成訓練計劃,而出席率達八成或以上,按金將獲全額退還。
Inquiry 查詢
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