“Greengoer” is one of the programmes under “Student Environmental Protection Leader Training Scheme (SEPLS) 2018/19”. With the initiative and support from Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC), ecobus organizes this 8-month environmental leadership training scheme which is dedicated to tertiary students. Greengoer aims to foster global citizenship among tertiary students and to train them to be future leaders with visions in environmental conservation and sustainable development. Around 40 tertiary students who are concerned about the environment will be selected. Participants will receive extensive trainings including workshops, seminars, field visits and training camp in order to equip themselves with relevant knowledge and experience. Later, participants will organize green activities with secondary school teachers and students themed as “Green Community Actions” (GCAs) and will advocate environmental protection via social experiment and social media.
Enhance environmental knowledge and understanding of roles of different stakeholders through extensive training
Gain opportunity to initiate and organize innovative “Green Community Actions” with secondary school students
Acquire hands-on experience in planning and implementing environmental activities
Gain experience in advocacy for environment via social media
Exchange ideas with mentors from different areas of environmental protection/ conservation through the mentorship programme
Meet 40 tertiary students who are interested in environmental protection
Participants with at least 80% attendance and successful completion of the scheme will be awarded a certificate from ECC
Three outstanding environmental leaders will be awarded to join an overseas field trip to Brunei in Summer 2019 to study the biodiversity and conservation policy there
Green Gift Voucher will be awarded to the winning groups of “Most Influential Social Experiment Award” and “Most Engaging Green Community Actions”
Mrs. MAK CHEN Wen Ning, Chairlady of Homeland Green (Hong Kong)
綠蔭家園(香港) 主席 麥陳尹玲女士
Ms. CHAN Ka Wing, Initiator of Gao Mad Yeah
搞乜東東發起人 陳家詠小姐
Mr. FUNG Hon Shing, Founder of FHS Wildlife
「FHS Wildlife」創辦人 馮漢城先生
Technical Visit 實地考察
Society for Indigenous Learning (SoIL) 鄉土學社
Waste-No-Mall at Kwai Fong 葵芳不是垃圾站
Green Community Actions (GCAs) 綠色社區行動
Participants will organize green activities with secondary school teachers and students themed as “Green Community Actions” (GCAs). GCAs cover four aspects, including: (1) Waste Management, (2) Biodiversity, (3) Climate Change, and (4) Others.
Environmental advocacy via social experiment and social media 以社交媒體和社會實驗倡導環境保護
Participants, in groups, will be guided to conduct a small-scale social experiment to advocate a local environmental issue. Social media will be used for environmental education to arouse public awareness on the issue. They will also share the results with the public during Green Community Event and Graduation Ceremony
Through interacting with mentors from different areas in the field of environment, participants are able to enhance their understanding of environmental works
Application 報名方法
Online application (https://goo.gl/forms/1kIqEVlzB8iIL2f42) is open until 21 Sep 2018 (Fri)17:00. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview, which will be arranged at 18:30 to 22:00 from 26 to 28 Sept or 10:00 to 17:00 on 29 Sept 2018. Successful participants are required to pay a deposit of HKD$500. Deposits will be refunded upon successful completion of the training scheme with at least 80% attendance.