夢想實現 Our Dream




ecobus team would like to become one of the most professional and  educational organizations for both outdoor and environmental activities. In this way, we can share nature’s happiness and promote environmental conservation.

Dreams are the most essential motivation in our lives for pushing forward each and every committee member and volunteer of our organization. In the future, we would like to become an environmental organization advocating self-sustainable green lifestyle and promoting low-carbon eco-tourism. Therefore, we would like to establish our organic farm, the ecobus, the ecobus cafe and hostel.

If you get any dreams towards green lifestyle that you would like to achieve together, you are welcome to share with us.


生態巴士 The ecobus

生態巴士 The ecobus

香港的郊野公園鄰近市中心,觸手可及,可惜香港的生活節奏急速,工作忙碌,很少有機會接獨大自然。ecobus生態巴士希望拉近人和大自然的距離,深化人與大自然的關係,特別令我們的下一代更多機會跟大自然接觸。 Most of the Hong Kong Country Parks are just next to the city center, within reachable distance. However, not many Hongkongers get chance to experience nature due to their rapid pace of life preoccupying by busy work. ecobus hopes to bring men closer to nature and deepen their relationship, especially providing opportunities for the next generations to get in touch with nature.
生態巴士旅館 Ecobus Hostel

生態巴士旅館 Ecobus Hostel

購物天堂和石屎森林往往是香港給矛旅客的印象。其實,香港擁有很多寶貴的大自然資源,郊野公園及郊野地區佔了香港差不多百份之七十的土地面積,這些地方有著多樣化的生境,孕育了各種各樣的動物和植物。此外,香港首個國家地質公園於2009年正式成立。ecobus生態巴士可以生態巴士希望向全世界推廣香港美麗的生態和地貌。 To foreigners, shopping paradise and concrete jungle are the common impressions of Hong Kong. In fact, Hong Kong has tremendous valuable natural resources. Country parks and rural areas have accounted for almost 70% of the land in Hong Kong, providing diverse habitats with a variety of flora and fauna. Additionally, Hong Kong has her first National Geopark established in 2009. Ecobus wishes to promote the beauty of natural environment and landforms to the world.
計劃實踐 Inspiration

計劃實踐 Inspiration

對環保、生態教育事業一腔熱情的你,也許一直醞釀著一些構思和計畫,卻因種種原因和顧慮未能實施。讓我們幫助你吧!!把你的創意告訴生態巴士,攜手實現你的構想,為生態教育,為地球的未來出一份力! If you are enthusiastic or having loads of ideas and plans in environmental protection, ecological conservation and education, please bring up your ideas and let us know! Let’s work together and make the world a better and greener place!