[綠色和平活動 Greenpace Event]
9.15無車日 低碳救北極
闊別香港兩年的綠色和平「無車日」再度舉行!為配合分秒必爭的守護北極全球行動,今年我們將聯同全球 31 個國家共 75 個城市的北極守護者,一起以單車代步,宣揚善用清潔能源,減用化石燃料的未來,同心緩減氣候變化,齊齊低碳救北極!
After a two year hiatus, Greenpeace’s Car Free Day 2013 is back in Hong Kong. Let’s join the global bike ride taking place in more than 31 countries and 75 cities around the world. Together we can challenge big oil and celebrate the beauty of the Arctic!

日期: 2013年9月15日
時間: 上午8時30分至中午12時
路線: 中環遮打道至北角民康街,折返遮打道終點全程約12公里,預計需時約2小時 (詳細路線,容後奉上)
名額: 300人,先到先得 截止登記參加
日期: 9月11日或額滿即止 *如天文台於活動當日清晨6時發出紅雨、黑雨、3號或以上颱風信號,無車日活動將會取消,請密切留意綠色和平綠色和平網站及Facebook專頁的最新消息。
更多詳情: http://www.greenpeace.org/hk/carfreeday2013/
Details for Cycling on Car Free Day in Hong Kong
- Date: 15th September 2013 (Sunday)
- Time: 08:30-12:00
- Distance: 12km (Chater Road Central to Java Road and then return to Chater Road Central)
- Number of participants: 300 people (based on first come first served basis)
- Deadline for registration: 11th September 2013 or when the total number of participants has been reached.
Qualifying participants will receive a small gift at the Car Free Day event in order to decorate their bicycle. Upon completion of the event, participants will also receive a certificate via email.
more details: http://www.greenpeace.org/eastasia/news/blog/september-15-is-car-free-day-a-save-the-arctic/blog/46316/