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成為義工 Become a Volunteer

成為義工 Become a Volunteer

“享受樂趣,關心保護,推廣分享”是生態巴士的宗旨。被大自然的鬼斧神工所吸引?為大自然的壯麗奇觀而感動?那就請您把感動化作行動吧! Our core philosophy is "Enjoy, Care & Share". Join us to share the passion and care about the nature among the youth and get them inspired by the nature! As a volunteer, you will become part of our effort to promote ecological education so that more people enjoy the nature and learn to protect our fragile earth.
機構合作 Partnership

機構合作 Partnership

隨著競爭格局的變化和社會意識的普遍增強,企業的社會形象和企業的誠信、品牌等一樣重要。 近年來,企業社會責任意識成為各大中小企業廣泛關注的話題。如貴機構有興趣在環保公益事業上貢獻一份力量,歡迎與生態巴士合作。
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工作機會 Job Opportunities

工作機會 Job Opportunities

項目主任 (社區參與) Project Coordinator (Community Engagement) 生態巴士(ecobus)現誠聘項目主任一名,主要負責本會以社區共享為主題的環境教育項目,為期一年。 ecobus is now recruiting one project coordinator to implement the environmental education project on community waste reduction.
捐助 Donation

捐助 Donation

生態巴士誠邀你一起促進本地生態教育,你們一點一滴的支持都相當重要!To promote ecological conservation and deliver education programmes , ecobus relies on your support!